
The Beautification Committee designs, establishes, plans, and coordinates garden sites.  The Garden Manager develops long term plans for changes and expansion for all Garden Club sites being supported.  Beautification Committee Planning Document 2023
  • Develop and publish a 12 month rolling plan and designs for garden(s) for Folly and all sites supported by SHGC
  • Define and integrate changes such as expansion and replacements
  • Coordinate with other Committees for resources and events
  • Prepare a monthly update to the Board and Communication Committee
  • Propose Events for supporting site management, including inviting the public
  • Support the use of Native Florida Flora, Pollinator Pathways, and the reduction of invasive plants at all SHGC and City sponsored Beautification sites

Members:  Gary Sawtelle, Sharon Kuckkahn, Karen Bredow, Kathy Banghart,  Andrea Alberice, Jan Hartman, Carol Zieres, Michelle Abruzzi, & Nancy McClelland 

The communication committee serves as the central point for all communication to, from, and within the Safety Harbor Garden Club.  
Google Calendar2023 Communication Committee Planning Document 2023
  • Define a rolling 12-month schedule of all Garden Club communications to support events, meetings, and member updates
  • Prepare outbound communications: newsletters, meeting notes, Board and City of Safety Harbor communications, Press Releases, and any other communications as requested by the Board, President, or Vice President
  • Be the conduit for other Committees to communicate with the leadership and membership
  • Conduct Communication Committee meetings and work sessions
  • Solicit topics from members and leadership for membership and public communications
  • Define and manage the process for obtaining approvals on communications prior to their release, working with the Board and President
New: Assist other Committees, providing resources for Work Sessions, Meeting notes, updating documents and posting on the SHGC shared drives

Members: Ken Fisher, Gary Sawtelle, Vicki Schumacher, Lee Sisco, & Judy Zaccaria

The education Committee is the repository of Gardening and Pollinator Pathway information.  The committee defines a schedule for Eduction events and the dissemination for members and the public via newsletters and the website.  
Education Committee Planning Document 2023
  • Define and schedule an education plan, including supporting events
  • Conduct Plant Clinics, at plant sales, other events
  • Define and Coordinate Work Shops
  • Provide Master Gardener resources for: events, Help Desk, and membership
  • Prepare outbound Education communications for newsletters and Website, working through the Communications Committee
  • Support School Outreach and conduct Educational sessions for schools
  • Coordinate with County Extension offices for Education programs

Members: Carol Zieres, Janice Corbett, Angela Strain, Sandy Huff (School Outreach), Celeste Sawtelle, & Lorraine Pydeski 

The Hospitality Committee arranges all materials for safety Harbor Garden Club (SHGC) events.
Hospitality Committee Planning Document 2023
  • Publish a 12-month rolling plan for NurseryHospitality activities and events
    • Monthly Membership meetings
    • Special events, including those SHGC is supporting that the City conducts at Folly
  • Provide monthly updates: 
    • Board, Communication Committee, and Leadership
  • Review events on other Committee schedules, confirming with Chair what Hospitality Support is required

Members: Karen Bredow & Sharen Kuckkahn,

The Membership Committee manages membership information, plans, and events.
 Membership Committee Planning Document 2023
  • Maintain Membership Information on Google Drive and website
  • Publish a 12 month rolling plan for membership activities and events
  • Provide  monthly updates: 
    • Board, Communication Committee, and Leadership
  • Propose Events for supporting membership
  • Develop general public-focused handouts to attract new members
  • Publish Handouts/information for New Members

Members: Paula Harvey, Celeste Sawtelle

Membership Ambassadors: Ron & Carol Cecil

The Nursery Committee manages the Nursery, for all information, plans, and events.
Nursery Committee Planning Document 2023
  • Maintain a dynamic list of plants at Folly and on Google Drive and website
  • Publish a 12-month rolling plan for Nursery activities and events
  • Provide monthly updates: 
    • Board, Communication Committee, and Leadership
  • Propose Events for supporting the Garden Club
  • Guide Education and other Committees on events, communications, and volunteer requests

Members: Leslie Zambito,  Janice Corbett, Avis Traester, Jan Hartman, Gary Sawtelle, & Nancy McClelland

The Program Committee plans and coordinates presentations for monthly membership meetings. Includes guest speakers and workshops. 
2023 Program/Speaker Committee Planning Document 2023
  • Maintain a twelve month rolling schedule of Programs and Speakers
  • Provide monthly updates to Communications Committee for publishing
  • Maintain a working list of topics and speakers
  • Confirm speaker details
  • Remind speakers of their dates, get biographies, and send them directions
  • Capture and store presentations if presenter agrees
  • Assist and introduce speakers
  • Provide upcoming Program information at meetings

Members: Nancy McClelland, Leslie Zambito, Carol Zieres, & Lorraine Pydeski